Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in Australia
(too old to reply)
2009-06-13 07:01:57 UTC
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.

The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless

This is the treatment you can expect :


22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI

MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.

Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.

itimes: Share your experience in Australia

They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth

The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.

Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.

In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.

Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
2009-06-13 08:15:07 UTC
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia.  The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else.  The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after  making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
A country liked Australia needs leader like LKY to clean up their
criminals there. Just give Singapore two years of cleaning up there.
After that Australia will turn into a safe place to walk and run, even
in the middle of the night like Singapore. Australia can hire a team
of retired and unemployed singaporeans to australia to map out the
clearing of criminals there. Results is guaranteed.
2009-06-13 15:37:57 UTC
Post by Zanzibar
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia.  The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else.  The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after  making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
A country liked Australia needs leader like LKY to clean up their
criminals there. Just give Singapore two years of cleaning up there.
After that Australia will turn into a safe place to walk and run, even
in the middle of the night like Singapore. Australia can hire a team
of retired and unemployed singaporeans to australia to map out the
clearing of criminals there. Results is guaranteed.
This is a total rubbish.

Singapore style will never work anywhere else on earth except
Singapore. This is so for a very simple reason: Majority of
Singaporean allow the so called top ranked officers to claims
ridiculous months of performance bonuses on top of their super high
salary package of the world standard.
2009-06-14 10:35:45 UTC
Post by Taiwanese
Post by Zanzibar
After that Australia will turn into a safe place to walk and run, even
in the middle of the night like Singapore. Australia can hire a team
of retired and unemployed singaporeans to australia to map out the
clearing of criminals there. Results is guaranteed.
This is a total rubbish.
Singapore style will never work anywhere else on earth except
Singapore. This is so for a very simple reason: Majority of
Singaporean allow the so called top ranked officers to claims
ridiculous months of performance bonuses on top of their super high
salary package of the world standard.
Is that the perfect dream, or the worst of all nightmare? ;-p

<<< Fast Forward Asia <<<
2009-06-13 08:37:56 UTC
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia.  The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else.  The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
Until Indian Education begins to get cleaned up of corrupt practices
any Indian with some black money will send their child to even Russia.

2009-06-13 10:17:03 UTC
Chinese in Malaysia are continuing to send
Chinese children to get Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia.  The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else.  The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after  making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
2009-06-13 22:21:23 UTC
Malaysian education when compared to Australian is gutter class.
"***@yahoo.com.sg" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:0fd46279-6f34-4f16-8b6c-***@y34g2000prb.googlegroups.com...
Chinese in Malaysia are continuing to send
Chinese children to get Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
prophet Muhammud the Child Fucker
2009-06-14 01:42:21 UTC
Chinese students continue to arrive from Malaysia ,
Indonesia , and Singapore ,
to get some sort of education in Australia .

these Chinese students going to Australia
are those hinese students who cannot make it in Singapore.

These Chinese students are usually failed students in
Singapore .

those Chinese students from Malaysia coming to Australia
are usually those second grade students
who cheat and lie about their academic ability .
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Komin the almighy fucking failure analyst from Cambodia
2009-06-15 03:44:48 UTC
at least they tried to improve themselves academically. you on the
other hand got fucked from hong kong and has to stay in low grade
cambodia, fucking prostitutes for a living.

On Jun 14, 9:42 am, prophet Muhammud the Child Fucker
Chinese  students  continue  to  arrive from  Malaysia  ,
Indonesia ,  and  Singapore  ,
 to  get some  sort  of  education  in  Australia .
these   Chinese  students  going  to  Australia
 are  those hinese  students  who  cannot  make  it in Singapore.
These  Chinese students  are  usually  failed  students  in
Singapore .
those  Chinese  students  from  Malaysia  coming  to  Australia
are  usually  those  second  grade  students
who  cheat and  lie  about  their  academic  ability .
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2009-06-15 03:54:56 UTC
yes, I am the Monster ,

I am wakalukong .

n Jun 15, 10:44 am, Komin the almighy fucking failure analyst from
Post by Komin the almighy fucking failure analyst from Cambodia
at least they tried to improve themselves academically. you on the
other hand got fucked from hong kong and has to stay in low grade
cambodia, fucking prostitutes for a living.
On Jun 14, 9:42 am, prophet Muhammud  the  Child  Fucker
Chinese  students  continue  to  arrive from  Malaysia  ,
Indonesia ,  and  Singapore  ,
 to  get some  sort  of  education  in  Australia .
these   Chinese  students  going  to  Australia
 are  those hinese  students  who  cannot  make  it in Singapore.
These  Chinese students  are  usually  failed  students  in
Singapore .
those  Chinese  students  from  Malaysia  coming  to  Australia
are  usually  those  second  grade  students
who  cheat and  lie  about  their  academic  ability .
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2009-06-15 11:56:16 UTC
On Jun 14, 9:42 am, prophet Muhammud the Child Fucker
Chinese  students  continue  to  arrive from  Malaysia  ,
Indonesia ,  and  Singapore  ,
 to  get some  sort  of  education  in  Australia .
these   Chinese  students  going  to  Australia
 are  those hinese  students  who  cannot  make  it in Singapore.
These  Chinese students  are  usually  failed  students  in
Singapore .
those  Chinese  students  from  Malaysia  coming  to  Australia
are  usually  those  second  grade  students
who  cheat and  lie  about  their  academic  ability .
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Hey Fuckhead, so where do the first-rate Chinese students from
Malaysia and Singapore go?

Cambodia? With people like you as examples of the product of the
Cambodian "education" "system"?

Yes, we all still remember when Pol Pot tried to educate the
Cambodians during Year Zero, don't we!

Now fuck off back to Japan you scum!
Jesus Christ the Cunt Fucker
2009-06-16 03:11:57 UTC
top students from Singapore usually go to MIT, Oxford ,
Cambridge ,
Havard , all with Singapore government' s funding s.

I have met Singaporean students from Ox- Bridge who have
been funded by Singapore government 's csah flow .

top Chinese students in Malaysia usually go to USA and to
UK ,
Singapore , Hong Kong .

not to Australia .
Post by Komin the almighy fucking failure analyst from Cambodia
On Jun 14, 9:42 am, prophet Muhammud  the  Child  Fucker
Chinese  students  continue  to  arrive from  Malaysia  ,
Indonesia ,  and  Singapore  ,
 to  get some  sort  of  education  in  Australia .
these   Chinese  students  going  to  Australia
 are  those hinese  students  who  cannot  make  it in Singapore.
These  Chinese students  are  usually  failed  students  in
Singapore .
those  Chinese  students  from  Malaysia  coming  to  Australia
are  usually  those  second  grade  students
who  cheat and  lie  about  their  academic  ability .
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Hey Fuckhead, so where do the first-rate Chinese students from
Malaysia and Singapore go?
Cambodia?  With people like you as examples of the product of the
Cambodian "education" "system"?
Yes, we all still remember when Pol Pot tried to educate the
Cambodians during Year Zero, don't we!
Now fuck off back to Japan you scum!
Komin the almighy fucking failure analyst from Cambodia
2009-06-15 03:44:48 UTC
at least they tried to improve themselves academically. you on the
other hand got fucked from hong kong and has to stay in low grade
cambodia, fucking prostitutes for a living.

On Jun 14, 9:42 am, prophet Muhammud the Child Fucker
Chinese  students  continue  to  arrive from  Malaysia  ,
Indonesia ,  and  Singapore  ,
 to  get some  sort  of  education  in  Australia .
these   Chinese  students  going  to  Australia
 are  those hinese  students  who  cannot  make  it in Singapore.
These  Chinese students  are  usually  failed  students  in
Singapore .
those  Chinese  students  from  Malaysia  coming  to  Australia
are  usually  those  second  grade  students
who  cheat and  lie  about  their  academic  ability .
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
prophet Muhammud the Child Fucker
2009-06-14 01:44:50 UTC
Chinese parents in Malaysia want to get an Immigrant status in
Australia .

That is why Chinese parents don 't care about the quality of
Education in Australia /
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
2009-06-14 03:51:52 UTC
On Jun 14, 9:44 am, prophet Muhammud the Child Fucker
Chinese  parents  in Malaysia  want to get an Immigrant  status  in
Australia .
That  is  why  Chinese  parents don 't  care  about  the  quality of
Education  in Australia /
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Japanese sex tourists want to obtain residency status in Cambodia in
order to abuse the innocent children there.

Now fuck off back to Japan you smelly Jap rat!
2009-06-14 03:50:10 UTC
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia.  The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else.  The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after  making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Usernet users, don't be fooled!

The Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains Monkey-screwer
Komin has hijacked Wakalukong's nickname and is now posting his racist
rants under this name.

How can you tell?

Well firstly the Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains
Monkey-screwer Komin has no interest in education, seeing as he
doesn't have one himself.

And secondly his posts are in pidgin English. The scumbag cannot
string together three words in English without making a grammatical or
spelling mistake.

Now fuck off back to Japan before we kick your butt in, you smelly Jap
Jesus Christ the Cunt Fucker
2009-06-14 12:07:02 UTC
Monster , so you are wakalukong .
Post by Monster
Post by ***@yahoo.com.sg
Chinese in Malaysia are continuing to send
Chinese children to get Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia. The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else. The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Usernet users, don't be fooled!
The Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains Monkey-screwer
Komin has hijacked Wakalukong's nickname and is now posting his racist
rants under this name.
How can you tell?
Well firstly the Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains
Monkey-screwer Komin has no interest in education, seeing as he
doesn't have one himself.
And secondly his posts are in pidgin English. The scumbag cannot
string together three words in English without making a grammatical or
spelling mistake.
Now fuck off back to Japan before we kick your butt in, you smelly Jap
2009-06-15 11:51:36 UTC
On Jun 14, 8:07 pm, Jesus Christ the Cunt Fucker
Monster ,  so you  are  wakalukong .
Post by Monster
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia.  The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else.  The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after  making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Usernet users, don't be fooled!
The Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains Monkey-screwer
Komin has hijacked Wakalukong's nickname and is now posting his racist
rants under this name.
How can you tell?
Well firstly the Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains
Monkey-screwer Komin has no interest in education, seeing as he
doesn't have one himself.
And secondly his posts are in pidgin English.  The scumbag cannot
string together three words in English without making a grammatical or
spelling mistake.
Now fuck off back to Japan before we kick your butt in, you smelly Jap
Hey Arsehole - that's for me to know, and for you to find out.

Now fuck off back to Japan where you can get proper treatment for your
syphilis. You smelly Jap rat!
2009-06-15 11:51:36 UTC
On Jun 14, 8:07 pm, Jesus Christ the Cunt Fucker
Monster ,  so you  are  wakalukong .
Post by Monster
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia.  The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else.  The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after  making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Usernet users, don't be fooled!
The Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains Monkey-screwer
Komin has hijacked Wakalukong's nickname and is now posting his racist
rants under this name.
How can you tell?
Well firstly the Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains
Monkey-screwer Komin has no interest in education, seeing as he
doesn't have one himself.
And secondly his posts are in pidgin English.  The scumbag cannot
string together three words in English without making a grammatical or
spelling mistake.
Now fuck off back to Japan before we kick your butt in, you smelly Jap
Hey Arsehole - that's for me to know, and for you to find out.

Now fuck off back to Japan where you can get proper treatment for your
syphilis. You smelly Jap rat!
2009-06-14 03:52:49 UTC
Chinese  in  Malaysia  are  continuing  to  send
Chinese  children  to  get  Resident status in Australia .
Post by fruitella
Do not waste your money or time on a third rate education in
Australia.  The universities there are not known for anything other
than being a money making scam.
The locals who pass out of such institutions are qualified for a life
of crime and little else.  The govt. there pretends no such racism
exists even while it rakes in exorbiant tuition fees for a worthless
22-year-old Indian student attacked in Australia
12 Jun 2009, 0906 hrs IST, PTI
MELBOURNE: In yet another racial attack on Indians in Australia, a 22-
year-old student was allegedly assaulted by a teenager in Adelaide
after  making "rude" comments about his turban.
Police said the student suffered a broken nose in the assault in
Adelaide's busy market area of Rundle Mall yesterday and that they
have arrested a 17-year-old youth in this connection.
itimes: Share your experience in Australia
They said the attacker has been bailed to appear in the Adelaide Youth
The attack comes after Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney have
held series of rallies over violent attacks and repeated calls for an
inquiry into racial attacks against them.
Local media quoted the victim, who requested anonymity, as saying that
the attacker started a confrontation by making "rude comments" about
his turban.
In another incident, Pakistani student Yasir Raja, 26, believes his
Holden Commodore was torched because of its "Raja" number plate.
Raja said friends living in the Enfield area had increased security
around their homes in fear of racist attacks.
Usernet users, don't be fooled!

The Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains Monkey-screwer
Komin has hijacked Wakalukong's nickname and is now posting his racist
rants under this name.

How can you tell?

Well firstly the Fucking Failure Fuckhead Paedophile Shit-for-brains
Monkey-screwer Komin has no interest in education, seeing as he
doesn't have one himself.

And secondly his posts are in pidgin English. The scumbag cannot
string together three words in English without making a grammatical or
spelling mistake.

Now fuck off back to Japan before we kick your butt in, you smelly Jap